Monday, November 5, 2012

unexpected gifts

Isaiah 40:11  He tends his flock like a shepherd:  He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads the nursing ewes.

In the summer of 1986 I received a call from the doctors' office.  "Congratulations, Mrs. Collins!"  "Thank you!  For what?"  "Um, your test, your pregnancy test?  It came back positive."  I had the test done as a precaution before taking medicine that would be a problem if I were pregnant.  But it was purely precautionary on my part.  I had no idea that I was nor any intention of being so.  I had a very strong headed five year old, a very strong willed one year old, and a very clingy three year old.  I felt like I was drowning as a parent, unable to do anything well for my girls; and now the dr.s' office was telling me I was going to have another one?  I hung up the phone, sat on edge of the bed, and wept.  I prayed, "God do you know how poorly I am doing this job already?" I was tired and worried and thought surely there had been a mistake.  But there was no mistake and in March of 1987 our son Matthew as born.  Matthew means gift of Jehovah, because he truly was just that.  Matt was easy going from day one, loving to be entertained by his sisters.  He rarely fussed too loudly throughout his childhood. He was and is sweet and affectionate. Funny how God knows best.  My dear friend, Carol Jo, offered me this scripture from Isaiah when I was struggling through those first days of pregnancy and I clung to the words like breath.  He would gently lead me, and more, He would carry my babies close to His heart.  I could depend on Him for support, comfort, even to step in and carry my babies when I could not.  What more could I ask?