Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Isaiah 49:16  See I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

For too many reasons to list here I came into adulthood with a deep sense of worthlessness and fear that others would see just how useless and terrible I really was if they ever really knew me.  But through patient, tender love, the Lord placed people in my life who spoke truth about the value He places on me.  Through the preached Word on Sundays, ladies Bible studies through the weeks, Home Groups, and friendships, as well as things my husband shared, my children would say, my mother-in-law and my own parents I heard the Word confirmed back to me.  One day reading through the book of Isaiah, I read this passage and I realized, "Wait, Jesus really did this in the flesh!"  He carved me into his palms.  The Hebrew word for palms incorporates the full hand and wrist area where the nails pierced Him.  I felt those words fly off the page and take wings in my heart.  I finally got it.  In eternity I will find a glorified perfect body, whole and complete.  But Jesus will carry the marks of His Love for me FOREVER.  My walls are EVER before him.  He loves that much.  Value, yes I have value.  And not because I earned it or didn't do or did do anything.  My value rests in the fact that He loves me.  You, too, by the way.