Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Lamb's lullaby

Here with the sheep sleeps the Lamb.

Here in the dark shines the Light.

Here in the night is the Morning Star.

Here He is.

Here we are.

Here lies a baby, the Mighty One.

Here near His mother, the Father's Son.

Here in the straw lies the King of Kings.

Shepherds bow.

Angels sing.


God with us

this is the heart of the matter.

So often we miss what God has done

Caught in the cares of today

But this little baby became a man

He bought for us - life

By giving his life

made a way.


God with us

this is the heart of the matter.
So here it is, Christmas week and I'm thinking about what to write for the blog. I could write about a tradition that I didn't cover on the face book glimpses page. I could debate the whole Santa vs. no Santa thing. I could reminisce some more about memories and things the Lord has done over the years here in my life. But as I was discussing it with Him I realized I could just write about Jesus. What a novel idea, huh? :0)

I love the little slogan that came out several years ago . . . Jesus is the reason for the season. I like it because it says everything in that short little thought. We can fuss over the commercialization. We can debate whether to celebrate in December what probably happened in spring and whether to use all the pagan trimmings. We can discuss what place a fat man in a red suit plays in our story. But the one thing we cannot do is leave Jesus out of it. Even to those who know not what they celebrate or purposely avoid "the religious aspects" of the holiday, they celebrate what? Christ - mas. Hmmm.

So I cut the holly from my front yard in December right around the winter solstice and pull out my red and green decorations, many of which have the painted face of a jolly guy with whiskers and I bake and share all the wrong sugar filled foods I can find time to create. And in the middle of the hunting for the right gifts and singing music I hear only this time of year, I remember who this is about. He is not just what it's about. He is everything. God with us. The fullness of the Godhead taking on the fullness of humanity. Eternity stepping into time and space. The reason for the season and everything else.

May your Christmas eve, day, week, season and heart be filled to overflowing with the delight of that gift and may you walk in the peace the angels announced to those who would hear. Blessings friends.